A single story commercial building with glass walls and a white awning. "Woopi Medical Centre" is in blue large text on top of the building.

Where compassion and experience converge.

Our tranquil and modern Woopi Medical
Centre is dedicated to provide exceptional patient-centered care.

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Patient-centered Care

Woopi Medical Centre provides high quality, comprehensive medical care to the growing population of Woolgoolga and region with 'patient-centred care' treatment in a beautiful new facility for the community.

Our Services
internal view of the Woopi Medical centre, showing timber floorboards and clean white walls, large windows and bright lighting

GP Services

The general practitioners offer caring, compassionate support to help deliver the best possible health outcomes.

Children's Health

The doctors at Woopi Medical Centre are passionate about caring for the health of your children. We are lucky to see and treat kids of all ages every day and all our practitioners love seeing kids!!!

Please come and see us if you have any concerns regarding your childs health.  We manage acute illness such as fever, infections, rashes, cough and respiratory issues such as asthma, croup, bronchiolitis or pneumonia.

We also perform baby checks, assess and track childhood development and administer childhood immunisations (including government and private immunisations available).  Skin issues such as eczema, rashes, skin lesions/ moles are commonly seen.

Really any concern with your childs health should start at your GP.  Have the confidence of a highly skilled doctor looking after your children.

We understand the importance of being seen quickly. We either want to begin treatment or be able to reassure you that your child is ok.  We keep a few on the day appointments available for this exact reason.  If we are booked out but you would like to be seen on the day our nurse will speak to you and arrange a time to see the doctor.  We also have a treatment room for emergency assessment and treatment.

Family Health

One of our top priorities is managing family health. For families of all ages and sizes, we have the services to meet the needs of all members of your family. We also offer shared maternity care, sexual health and contraceptive help.  We perform newborn baby checks and monitor childhood development.  We treat both acute illness and manage chronic medical issues.  Whatever stage of life your family is at, we have the doctors to keep you healthy and well.

Mental Health

We take a holistic view of health and well-being. Our doctors are highly trained and skilled in the assessment and management of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety and many more. We offer primary diagnosis and assessment, co-ordination of psychologists and treatment providers and ongoing support to have you back to feeling your best.  Do not let your mental health effect how you live your life, come and speak to one of our compassionate GPs and you will not regret it!

Skin Clinics

Skin Cancer is our most common in Australia.

Come in and get our doctors trained in the early detection and management of skin cancer to check your skin. Concerning skin lesions can be biopsied and removed in our treatment room.

If you have any concerns for specific skin spots, book for skin check and our GP can assess and advise on the need for further management.

Women's Health

Woopi Medical Centre has a team of highly trained doctors directly in women’s health, many of whom have completed extra qualifications in this area.
Common Women’s health Consultations include:

  • Contraception advice
  • Sexual health
  • Pre pregnancy advice
  • Shared maternity care
  • Menopause advice
  • Cervical screening (formally called pap smear)
  • Breast checks or investigating breast symptoms such as lumps
  • Implanon and Mirena insertion
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences of bulk billing, mixed billing & private billing?

Medicare is the basis of Australia's health care system and covers many health care costs. It provides you access to several health care services for free or at a lower cost, including:

  • medical services by doctors, specialists and other health professionals
  • hospital treatment
  • prescription medicines

'Bulk billing' means there are no out-of-pocket expenses for the medical services provided to you. If you are bulk billed, it means that your doctor accepts the Medicare benefit as full payment of service. The Medicare Benefits Schedule (the MBS) provides a list of medical services for which the Australian Government will pay a Medicare rebate, to provide patients with financial assistance towards the costs of their medical services. It is unfortunately irrelevant to the actual cost of your healthcare.

'Private billing' or 'mixed billing' simply refers to patients who pay for medical services at their own expense and receive a rebate from Medicare for the item the GP has billed.

GPs are private small business owners similar to your local independent retailer, freelance artist, and tradie. Many GPs do not receive any leave entitlements, neither do they get paid if you do not show up to your appointment.

What should I do if I can’t afford to pay?

Your health and well being is our priority. We are a community-focused clinic and we understand that our patients have different income levels and health needs. You may contact the Services Australia if you are eligible for a concession card or you may request your GP. Bulk billing in some situations is at the discretion of the individual doctor.

Paying and getting the Medicare rebate quickly

We appreciate full payment of fees on the day of consultation. Payment can be made after yourconsultation by cash, EFTPOS or credit card. If you’ve registered your banking details withMedicare, our receptionists will be able to process your Medicare claim on the spot. That savesyou the hassle of a separate claims process and ensures the Medicare rebate arrives in youraccount quickly.

Due to Medicare laws, we are not able to accept the gap payment only. For example, if you area concession card holder, for a standard consult you will need to pay $80 and will receive$41.20 back on the spot into your account, leaving you having paid the practice $38.80 for yourvisit to the GP.

How much should I expect to pay at each visit?

If you are our existing patient and concession card holder, DVA, Indigenous & age under 20,We will continue to accept the Medicare rebate (‘Bulk billing’) for all consultation, so there won’t be an out-of-pocket expense for you. Some procedures such as skin excision, IUD, iron infusion would cost you extra $50 for 30min, $ 75 for 45 mins & $100 for an hour for facilities fees applies to all patients.

If you are our existing patient without concession card, there would be an out-of-pocket expense of $38.80 for standard consultation and $50.30 for long consultation. However, we will continue to accept the Medicare rebate (‘Bulk billing’) for Chronic Disease Management Plans, Mental Health Treatment Plan, Health Assessments and other diagnostics, so there won’t be an out-of-pocket expense for some consultation.

If you do not have a Medicare card, you will be privately billed for all consultations, management plan, health assessments and procedures as well as procedures room fees.

Telehealth appointment will be charged in similar way as face-to-face visit. Patients will be required to pay in advance. A telehealth or in-person appointment is necessary for repeat prescriptions and referral letters. This is to ensure optimal patient care and treatment and to satisfy doctors' medico legal obligations. In most situations, doctor will be providing you an ample repeat script. However, if patient prefers to have a repeat script or referral without consultation, you will be charged $25 without rebate. It would take two working days if the doctor could provide you.

The Medicare rules associated with Telehealth consultations are regularly changing. You must have attended our practice for a face to face consultation in the last 12 months to be eligible for Medicare rebate for telehealth. If you have not seen one of our doctors face to face within the last 12 months, you will be out of pocket the full consultation fee and receive no rebate from Medicare. There are some exceptions to this, for example, if you are in isolation with COVID-19, are under 12 months of age, or homeless, the 12 month rule does not apply.

View all FAq's

Join the Woopi Team

Do you wish to join our team of GP's, nurses or administration team? Email your CV to reception@woopimedical.com.au

a photo of the woopi medical team (and dog Rocky)


Fee Information

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We understand that knowing about fees is important to you as a patient of Woopi Medical Centre, and that you see value in what we provide as a General Practice.

Patient Feedback Form

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Doctors and staff at this Practice are committed to providing you with high standards of patient care. We welcome comments and suggestions regarding the care you receive at this practice. If you would like to give us some feedback, please feel free to fill out the form provided below.

Practice Information Sheet

Click here to download

Our full list of information about our practice. If you have any questions please call our reception.

This privacy policy is to provide information to you, our patient, on how your personal information (which includes your health information) is collected and used within our practice, and the circumstances in which we may share it with third parties.